

ARTICLE 1 (Denomination, headquarters and duration)

Associação Vegoa Project, hereinafter referred to as the Association, is a non-profit Association set up in accordance with the law for the pursuit and defense of its members’ common interests:

  1. The non profit Association, adopts the denomination ASSOCIAÇÃO VEGOA PROJECT, and has its headquarters in Vegan Hills, 8650-401 Pedralva.
  2. It’s duration is unlimited.
  3. The Association has the number of collective person 513958126 and the social security number 25139581265.

The Association has the aim of promoting a vegan and environmentally sustainable way of life. Training and promoting information regarding eating habits, environmental impact of agriculture and livestock farming. Organizing events, related to the protection of the environment and animals. Creation and promotion of sustainable and alternative communities.

ARTICLE 3 (Revenue)

The following constitute the revenue of the Association:

  1. the fee paid by its members;
  2. the product of levies fixed by its General Assembly;
  3. the income from goods of the Association and the revenue from social activities;
  4. the donations accepted by the Association;
  5. the allowance which have been attributed to it;
  6. Other income or subsidies.

CHAPTER II – Membership, Admission and Exclusion

ARTICLE 4 (Membership, Admission and Exclusion)
  1. The conditions of admission and exclusion of the Association’s members, its categories, rights and obligations will be reproduced in the regulation of the Association, which will be approved by its General Assembly.


ARTICLE 5 (Organs)
  1. The General Assembly, Management and Fiscal Council are Organs of the Association.
  2. The General Assembly shall elect the Table of Assembly, Management and Fiscal Council.  Members are elected by the General Assembly. The decision of the General Assembly will be carried by an absolute majority of votes of the members.  The electoral Assembly will be announced 25 days before. Candidates must deposit their candidacy list with the Table of Assembly ten days before the electoral Assembly.
  3. The Table of Assembly will publish the candidacy lists in the internal communication platform of Vegoa, will affix it when possible in the headquarters and concede a copy of the lists to members with limited access to internet.
  4. The Table Of Assembly, Management and Fiscal Council must contain at least one member of each Land Management Organization, and the number of members of each organ must be unpaired.
  5. The term of the elected social organs is 1 year.
  6. The resignation of an elected member of the Organs must be addressed to the president of the Organ. In case it’s the president, the communication must be addressed to the president of the General Assembly. Management appoints a new member until the next Assembly, where a member will be elected for the period left of the mandate becoming vacant.
  7. Outgoing Members are eligible for re-election.  
  8. Elected Members of the Organs shall receive no remuneration from the Association to exercise their functions, unless decided otherwise by the General Assembly.
ARTICLE 6 (Language)
  1. The official language of the Association is English due to its multicultural and multilingual nature.
  2. English will be the primary language in all the documentation and communications. However, all the documents of regulation nature or documents of interest for the members will be translated to portuguese when necessary or justifiable.
ARTICLE 7 (General Assembly)
    1. The General Assembly is constituted by all the fully paid-up members with voting rights as defined within the regulations of the Top Level Association’s Organizations to which they are a member of.
    2. The General Assembly has the power to decide on all matters regarding the Association, excluding those which are contained within the regulations of the Organizations.
    3. The competence of the General Assembly and the way it functions are established in the Civil Code, namely in article 170, and on the articles 172 to 179.
    4. The General Assembly will be chaired by the Table Of Assembly, which is composed of a minimum of three members, a president and two secretaries, whose attributions are directing the meetings of the Assembly and the creation of the meeting minute.
    5. The General Assembly shall meet once a year, for the Annual General Meeting, to approve the report and respective accounts, when convened by Management.
    6. An Extraordinary meeting of the General Assembly, may be convened by one of the organs, or through a demand with a legitimate purpose required by 20% of the Members.
    7. The notice of meeting and the agenda shall be sent out by the Management at least 14 days before the date of the meeting. The document must contain the day, time and place of meeting, as well as the agenda.
    8. More than 50% of the members present shall constitute a quorum for any meeting of the General Assembly.  When no quorum is present, the Assembly shall meet an hour later with the members present.
ARTICLE 8 (Management)
  1. Management, is composed of a minimum of three members (a president, a secretary and a treasurer) with at least one person proficient in both written and spoken Portuguese.
  2. The Management team is responsible for managing the day to day social, administrative and financial activities of the Association, representing the Association in judgement and out of it.  
  3. The Management team must decide regarding the necessary means to fulfil the Association’s aims and time its completion, this includes but is not limited to deciding on applications for membership, recommend terminations of memberships where necessary and validate the creation of sub Organizations within the Association.
  4. The way it works is established in the article 171 of the Civil Code.
  5. The Association is obliged with the intervention of two members of Management.
  6. The President of Management is the President of the Association.
  7. If the responsibility for any fine is from a member and it’s passed to Vegoa, the Association, through Management, has the right of recourse.
ARTICLE 9 (Fiscal Council)
  1. The Fiscal Council, is composed of a minimum of 3 members (a president, a secretary and an editor).
  2. The Fiscal Council is responsible for controlling administrative and financial acts of the management, controlling its accounts and reports, and giving advice on acts that imply the increase of expenses or the decrease of revenue.
  3. The way it works is established in the article 171 of the Civil Code.

CHAPTER IV – Organizations

Article 10 (Definition and Basics)
  1. The Association’s members can create Organizations within the Association’s structure to achieve more effectively its aims and the resolutions determined by the organs. These are defined as Top Level Organizations, which may create other Organizations through levels of dependence, called Sub Organization/s to help achieve the Top Level Organization’s goals.
  2. The constitution of each Organization, its regulations and updating as proposed by the member/s depends on the approval of the Management.
  3. Each Organization has autonomy on the way it works.
  4. It has judiciary capacity.
  5. Active judiciary capacity must have previous authorization of Management.
  6. Each Organization must have a regulation, which can not override or contradict clauses of the Vegoa Statutes and Regulations, as well as parent Organization’s regulation/s to which it belongs to.
  7. The conditions of admission and exclusion of each Organization’s members, its categories, rights and obligations will be reproduced in the regulation of each Organization which will be approved by its members.

CHAPTER V – Extinction and Destination of goods

Article 11 (Extinction and Destination of goods)
  1. In case of extinction of the Association, decided by the General Assembly, the goods which belong to the social assets, that may not be affected by a specific end and which have not been donated or left in charge of something, will be the object of deliberation by its members.
  2. The members declare being informed that they should proceed in delivering the declaration of activity initiation for fiscal effects, in the legal deadline of 90 days.